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eBPF film

It's eBPF the Movie!

It has been an incredible couple of years for eBPF and now the story of its meteoric rise is being told in "Unlocking The Kernel" a unique documentary from SpeakEasy productions. SpeakEasy describe themselves as a " company “on a mission to empower technology companies and open source communities to showcase their stories“.The film will be premiered at KubeCon in Chicago on November 8th.

The documentary tells the story of how a group of Engineers at PlumGrid set out to find a solution for handling network trafic in Linux and ended up creating a technological revolution. The film charts the deep technical challenges in developing the technology and includes interviews with stakeholders from a number of Silicon Valley giants including Meta, Google, Refd Hat and Netflix.

It is not often that a technology captures the imagination in this way and credit is due to backers such as Cilium, who have used eBPF as the foundation for their ground-breaking service mesh platform.

eBPF seems positioned to cement its position as a fundamental layer in the cloud technology stack alongside Linux, K8S and containers. This is probably only the beginning of the story - unlocking the kernel is likely to trigger a chain reaction and spawn whole new ecosystems.

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