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observabilitycon 2023

Grafana Dazzle at ObservabilityCON 2023

ObservabilityCon 2023 in London got off to a dazzling start as Grafana Labs unveiled a slew of new products and tools. The first major reveal was Application Observability, an application monitoring tool designed to support anomaly detection and help SRE's and developers to reduce MTTR. It supports RED metrics and is OpenTelemetry compatible. It also supports correlation with Logs and Traces in a single unified UI.

This was followed in short order by the public launch of Grafana SLO. With the addition of this layer to the Grafana stack users can now define SLI's, SLA's and SLO's and evaluate them against both standard and user-defned metrics. Users can define error budgets, view burn rates and create alerts.

Cost is obviously a hot topic for observability professionals and the conference also saw the launch of the Cost Management Hub, which brings a number of cost management features together in one place.The Hub is available in the Grafana Administration area for all tiers of Grafana Cloud. It provides functionality for identifying costs by type, by source and by team as well. You can view metrics sources that are exceeding their DPM threshold as well applying the new Adaptive Metrics feature.

Next up was the news that Asserts.ai are now part of the Grafana family. Arguably the most exciting debut of the day was Beyla, which leverages eBPF to apply autoinstrumentation to a range of languages including Rust and C++. Beyla is not the frst observability application to utilise the power of eBPF - it has been a feature of Pixie for a couple of years. Unlike Pixie, however, Beyla is not restricted to running on K8S and will work on any Linux host which supports eBPF.

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