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Debugging The oTel Collector

The OpenTelemetry Collector is the centrepiece of OpenTelemetry architecture, whilst it is highly robust and powerful, it can also be something of a black box. Luckily, as adoption grows and the technology matures, we are now seeing third party distributions and tooling that provide enhancements to the core collector capabilities.


Tails image

Tails is an independent application that runs as a sidecar to your OpenTelemetry Collector. The app developers include Jacob Aronoff of Lightstep and Austin Parker of Honeycomb and it is a lightweight web server that listens on a socket and streams live messages from a Collector.

The app supports logs, traces and metrics and also has some cool features such as Play/Pause mode and filtering. The oTel Collector is a great piece of engineering but it can also be a bit of a black box. This is a great tool for providing visibility into the Collector’s telemetry streams and will be going straight into our oTel toolbelt.

Grafana Alloy

Grafana Alloy image

Alloy is Grafana’s own open source distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector. As well as being fully compatible with the oTel Collector it also features a number of additional capabilities - including Components - a means of creating tasks and chaining them together into flows.

The big story in the latest release is the introduction of live debugging. Once this is enabled, you can connect to a web UI exposed by Alloy and drill down into a Live Debugging screen. From here you can see the telemetry flowing through the component. For each line of telemetry, you can see the raw data as it was received as well as its state after any transformations have been applied.

This seems to be emblematic of the Embrace and Extend approach that many of the major vendors are taking in relation to the oTel Collector - providing full support but also embedding it within an implementation including proprietary features.

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