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opentelemetry logging

OpenTelemetry’s Logging Milestone

Possibly the biggest observability story at this year’s KubeCon was the announcement by Morgan McClean, an OpenTelemetry co-founder, that “OpenTelemetry Logging hit 1.0”. The OTel logging architecture consists of four main components and all of these have now been designated as stable. Achieving a consensus around logging was always going to be a monumental task given its relatively loosely structured nature and the fact that there are so many varied implementations in the wild.

One of the major gains of the release is that Logging runs in the context of the Collector, meaning that logs can more easily be correlated with other telemetry such as traces and metrics. OpenTelemetry have a keen awareness that “logs are relatively computationally expensive to capture” and have attempted to tackle this issue by specifying a new logging data model, which aims to reduce both CPU consumption and storage requirements.

Read the InfoQ report from KubeCon here.

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